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Finally found the clapton build for me

Been lucky bought some.Claptons from cuckoo and they.are fantastic in the griffin from the get go. Vape like cream and not silly wattage either. Now I need some smaller ones for the mini goblin.
Had a play making some fused 26g claptoned with 36g tonight. Still a little hot for me but that could be because I through them in the 22m Aromamizer RDTA. Really good intense flavour though. Need to get my hands on a small flavour rda for this sort of testing really.


After that I had to put my new found claptoning skills into work. Made some twisted 28g then threw some 36g around it. Wasn't too impressed with the vape. Although it was warm vape and not too hot. I found it really muted the flavour. More playing required.


Quite pretty wire.


Coils were a pain to shape as they were very springy.


All wicked up.
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