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First e-cig, couple of questions.


Sep 16, 2013
First a quick intro; my name is Joe, I'm 19 and smoked roll-ups for about 6 months and was on around 10 a day, I switched to vaping to save money and try to make the addiction safer before it got too far. I'm really enjoying vaping especially the increased freedom and learning vape tricks.

I got a "starter kit" from a shop called Smokersexit.

The ecig itself is fantastic, not smoked in a week and feel better than ever.

Now for the questions:

1. Sometimes it loses taste and sometimes just tastes a bit burnt/really hot.
2. Sometimes when my tank is running low I get some eliquid in my mouth that hasn't been vaped and it's very uncomfortable on my tongue and tastes horrible and I know liquid nicotine is a poison so I'm a little worried
3. If I bought a new clearomizer or whatever would it fit on the battery and is there an easy to way find out if a specific tank or clearo would fit on my battery?


One of these? If so then it's got a standard 510/eGo connection. Good news is pretty much anything will fit.

The clearomiser uses a top coil meaning that the heating element is near the top where the wicks go in. You will need to keep the top of the wicks wet otherwise you will experience burning taste etc. Just tilt it before you vape to make sure they are wet. It becomes natural after a while. You may get the odd bit of juice in your mouth, it's not really anything to worry about. Take the drip tip out and give it a wipe with some kitchen roll as juice sometime accumulates near the top of the clearo.
Assuming it's an ego battery (like those in Oska's link), it'll fit pretty much anything. The most common starter kit clearo is the CE4, which is fine, but there are other (in my opinion better) tanks you can upgrade to. When I upgraded from CE4, I first went for the Evod, and I still think this is an ideal tank. The coil/wick is at the bottom, so you don't get those dry/burnt hits you describe. The heads are also replaceable, so it's pretty cheap to sort out when the coil goes (as opposed to CE4s, where you have to replace the entire tank). Replaceable coils also mean you can try out heads of different resistance.

The best upgrades I've got so far are the Evods and an Ego Twist battery (to adjust voltage to suit the coil/juice).

There are other tanks to consider - DCTs are very warm with loads of vapour. Protanks and protank minis are lovely, and look great.

Then you get shinyitis and you're lost!!
Just to add, the prices on Smokersexit seem very high. Take a look at the Marketplace on here and the discount code section.
I read Smokers Exit as Smoker Sex It before I realised what it was supposed to actually be! :lol1:
I got a "starter kit" from a shop called Smokersexit.

The ecig itself is fantastic, not smoked in a week and feel better than ever.

Well done on making the switch over! and welcome to the planet.

If you got the kit in the link then that's a bog standard eGo battery which is possibly the most popular shape/size of battery out there after cig-alike devices.

Now for the questions:

1. Sometimes it loses taste and sometimes just tastes a bit burnt/really hot.

This is happening because not enough e-liquid is making it to the coils, the coil overheats what e-liquid is there and you get a dry burnt taste. With a top coil clearomiser then you need to tip it up sometimes to make sure the wicks stay wet. Also you'll need to clean the head once in a while (about eery 2 or 3 tankfulls of liquid) to keep it running nicely. See this thread here for details.

2. Sometimes when my tank is running low I get some eliquid in my mouth that hasn't been vaped and it's very uncomfortable on my tongue and tastes horrible and I know liquid nicotine is a poison so I'm a little worried

You'd need to drink about 1ml of e-liquid before you start having problems (about half a tank). Nicotine is a poison but the odd bit of splatter isn't an issue, it happens from time to time.
It's probably not the e-liquid itself some of the e-liquid vapour recondenses inside the drip tip and it's probably that that's getting into your mouth, which won't have as much nicotine in it as the e-liquid proper (e-liquid is usually a pale brown colour and the recondensed liquid is usually clear). If you take the drip tip off between fills and blow it out into a paper towel it helps stop this happening.

You'll get a nicotine headache and or start feeling dizzy/nauseous as the first signs of nic overdose which will happen a lot before you take in too much nicotine if you're vaping, unless you actually drink the stuff or use it as eyedrops. If that happens just don't vape for a while and drink plenty of water.

3. If I bought a new clearomizer or whatever would it fit on the battery and is there an easy to way find out if a specific tank or clearo would fit on my battery?

Yes. You can screw just about any clearo on the market now onto an eGo battery. An Evod or a mini protank need the ego threading (the larger screwthread on the outside of the battery) just about everything else uses what's called '510 threading' which is the smaller threading that is inside of the top bit.

There are a lot of vendors selling all kinds of kit on the Marketplace here and this is a great place to ask any questions you might have about anything e-cig related.
I bought a kanger evod and it is fantastic, tastes so much cleaner, cooler vapor, much quieter, bigger vapes, very nice.
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