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First ni200 build I need help!


Jan 1, 2015
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1453328310.642453.jpg

28g ud ni200
Used steam engine aiming for 1.5 but happy with 1.6.
Put it on my xcube and I am getting next to no vapour.
Makes no difference if I set it at any temp.
This is my first try at t/c I normally use kanthal builds.
Am I missing something??
Let me guess, Cold, weak, not a lot of vapour? - Looks like theres far too much wick in there. It should go through with only very slight resistance.
Yep, it's pretty much the second problem people have with TC - the first being building the coils in the first place...
A handy way to check if it's a wicking issue is to soak the wick really well then close the atty and take a vape (Or you can block the airholes and take a couple of pulls to drag juice into the wick) If your first vape or two is warm and cloudy but then dies out then you've got the answer...
OK, let's start from the beginning, It'll help to know which device and atty you're using but start with...
Take the atty off, let it cool then reattach and lock / register the initial resistance,
Now select a power output of at least 30w or 50w if you can.
Make sure your coil is thouroughly juiced then fire for a few seconds without drawing on it - do you get a "Temp limit" or Temp protection" message?
Think it's something to do with the xcube
Just put the same rda/build on ipv d2 and it vapes 100 times better 45j @510f
Any ideas on whats up with the xcube?
Can't (or don't know how to)set watts on xcube in t/c
But when I fire it @ 400f the watts jump up to 67 then drop to 2.24 and the "temp protected"message flashes up.
It's not reading the material right from the sound of that, make sure it's set to Ni mode...
Thanks so much for your help.
Yeah it's set to Ni but....
The screen is reading the coil @ .12 and app is reading the coil @.29.
Just put another rda on with a kanthal build and both the screen and the app read the resistance correctly?
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