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First rebuildable confusion


Mar 10, 2013
OK Folks

I've been vaping now for just over 3 months and have gradually moved from my first ego-t (from you know where) up to a vamo and have now sent for my first mechanical mod (kts storm). I have just purchased "The Bully" rebuildable atomizer from charliesvapeshop with a view to trying my hand at building my own coils but this is were I'm getting totally confused.
I want to use the atomizer on both the mechanical and a standard ego battery for work so I'm thinking of a 2.2-2.4 ohm coil to start with. What size wire and silica wick should I be aiming for to achieve this. I've watched lots of tutorials and checked different charts for ohm ratings and sorry guys but it all seems gobbledygook to me. Ask me to rebuild a computer and thats a piece of pi**, trying to work out wire size, number of coils and wick thickness, the old grey matter just switches off. If someone can just point me in the right direction I would be eternally grateful.
I've also sent for a multimeter to check the resistance.

Hi, as far as wire thickness and number of coils is concerned , when you buy wire it has a resistance rating per foot,inch or mm.

For example the wire I have is 29.7 ohm resistance per foot. Therefore to achieve a particular resistance coil, it is not the number of turns that is important but the total length of the wire used.
29.7 ohm per foot is 2.475 ohms per inch or 0.097 ohms per mm.

So 2.2 ohm resistance would require approx 22.5 mm of 29.7 ohms per foot wire and so on.

I use 1 mm diameter wick x4 strands like the original set up in my Vivi nova tank when I got it.

Hope this helps to shed a little light on the matter for you.
I vary wick and wire size depending on the atty. I have a couple of little drippers I use 1 mm silica and 4-5 turns of 0.15 kanthal on, but for most I use 2 mm wick and 5 turns of 0.2mm wire (kanthal). The thinner the wick the less wire used on a turn, and the thinner the wire the higher the resistance. Also nichrome doesn't have as much resistance as kanthal.I used trial and error plus a multimeter to work it out but if you can fit your wick and wire leaving a fair bit of spare wire you may be able to use the ohms measurement on a device and if the resistance is off, add or remove turns. Sorry I'm not much more help. I also use a needle to wind the wire round the wick. It gives stability to the silica and prevents winding too tight.
Cheers for the advice, I think the best bet is to grab several samples of wire in different thickness and have a play with them and see which turns out the best.

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