Brilliant that you are going for temp control in a gennie! I pretty much exclusively use ni200 and temp control on gennies (unless I'm using a mech of course). @domejunky that ni200 discussion may have been me!Haven't tried that yet lol. Was meaning more the mods. TC is def next now I have DNA40.
I still oxidise the crap out of the wick. What ni200 does for me is that it eliminates the pulsing phase for removing hotspots; there simply aren't any. However, @weepapagirlrappers tried my ni200 build and seemed to require some pulsing. Perhaps my lack of hotspots with ni200 is also due to the fact that I've been using it in gennies since forever.
Maybe I should do a ni200 ribbon wire tutorial for gennies. Just need to find the time.