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Genny Handchecks

How did he get such a smooth curve on the mesh?
So 1st you need to roll with the mesh weave running at 45 degrees, this makes the straw far more flexible.

So assuming you have pre oxidized, rolled and are ready for the final char grill, carefully bend it into a loop and hold both bits of leg in tweezers where they cross...

Next use the torch to heat the loop, this causes the mesh to stress relieve and take on a set.

Then I keep heating and tightening the loop until its the correct radius.

It is like spray painting, if you get greedy and try for too much at once it will kink, and the kink may be unrecoverable!

That one in the pic is actually fairly rough as I pulled the wick out and recoiled it with a dual and refitted

I'll take photos next one I do :)
So 1st you need to roll with the mesh weave running at 45 degrees, this makes the straw far more flexible.

So assuming you have pre oxidized, rolled and are ready for the final char grill, carefully bend it into a loop and hold both bits of leg in tweezers where they cross...

Next use the torch to heat the loop, this causes the mesh to stress relieve and take on a set.

Then I keep heating and tightening the loop until its the correct radius.

Iys like spray painting, if you get greedy and try for too much at once it will kink, and the link.may be unrecoverable!

That one in ht epic is actually fairly rough as I pulled the wick out and recoiled it with a dual and refitted

I'll take photos next one I do :)
Cool. I think step 1 might be the secret I was missing...
Here's my first genny, about 4/5 years old now, it's an aga t or t² but I had a reduced capacity top cap made with improved airflow and a Priscilla queen of the desert drip tip
... compared with what we are all chugging on now.
Both atomisers have a 3ml capacity.

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