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Getting really f******* sick of this coiling lark

Cured!!!!!! Am now getting regular 1.8 ohms before/after every vape. I took out the mesh wick,lifted off the coil and gently prized each strand apart,then took the wick and heated it until it was bright red all over then used cotton wool 'spread' very thinly over the wick where it'll pass through the plate and under the coil. Was quite tricky to get it back together(poor light and very tiny parts)but it now tastes awesome and the resistance doesn't leap round like a rabbit on hot coals.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
I've added a bit of ekowool over the mesh and the resistance has settled down. Mines was doing the same, one minute 2.2 and then 0.8. Done a cotton wool wick and it also solved the problem.

this kind of thing happening is almost always the coil shorting out on the SS Mesh. You haven't oxidised the mesh enough, or the coil has moved (metal gets larger when it gets hot, so your coil gets slightly longer) when you fired it from part of the mesh where it was oxidised to a part of the mesh that wasn't, and is now shorting out.

Genesis atomisers are a right pain to learn to coil well.
I built one yesterday and tried using less mesh. I used about half the width to the height. It seems to wick better so if you are using VG heavy mixes, it should juice better. As VaperCaper said, oxidising the wick should stop it shorting out. It sounds like you've got it sorted now anyway but thought I'd share the less is more wick.
I use a 30 mm x 30 mm square usually,but have been reducing the amount that gets rolled a little to allow for rolling round a silica/cotton wool core or for dual-coils,allowance for a catheter needle down the middle to fill(as the atty has posts for dual coils but the plate only has 2 holes,1 for filling & 1 for wick,so I shove a wick in the filler hole)
Just a quick ps:
I ran the tank dry accidentally,which instantly fried my cotton wool so out came the wick and I located some fiberglass 'wool' I had left over from car repairs which is flame resistant and treated the wick where it'll pass through the atty in the same way I did with the cotton. Reassembled atty,few pulses on the fire button before refilling to burn off any crap and then the atty resumed perfect vaping.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
Maybe another thing to consider. I've just drilled out my airhole to 2mm. More air = cooler coil = Less burnt hits.
It's not for everyone but I like to lung inhale and drilling the airholes to 2mm has made the whole Genny experience much better for me.
Yup,lung inhaling can cause coughing lungs up if a dry hit/burning cotton results. Hence why I tried the fibreglass 'wool' and have been chain-vaping since the change-over with no issues,just lung-full after lung-full of lovely vapour.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
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