I've been playing about with a plain kanthal build this morning, the only wire I had lying about, was 22g. I've also been having some bad leaks on the original set up using an original Vapeshell, only when filling. I'm not doing anything different, so I'm at a loss as to what's causing it. My normal build is 3mm Nichrome Clapton wire, so this was also to see if there were any benefits from using Clapton vs Plain wire. (Along with trying to get to the bottom of why my juice was pissing everywhere).
First impressions are, that the flavour is on par using the plain, (even if it is a coil thrown together with what was lying around), plus I didn't get juice everywhere. I'm going to put a new Clapton together and try that later.
For info, the plain build came ot at 0.28 ohms, 2.5mm id, with 6 wraps. A Clapton build is usually around the 0.78 - 0.8 ohms on a 3mm id 5 wrap, at between 26 - 30w.
It's going well at 35w, flavour is good and my hands are dry, so maybe if it ain't broke, why even bother to try fixing it.
P.S. None of the clones are leaking and are going well, apart from a re-wick after about 3 days. (All are running Vapeshells).
DTL, as usual.