I hear you. It’s a steep hill, at first. But don’t worry.
you have a new machine. But the above rules still remain.
I’d tend to look at what wattage the coil is rated. Then, however big or small the coils resistance may be. I start at a low wattage and slowly move up. This does two things:
Firstly, by moving slowly up, you will find you own sweet spot. (One man’s perfect vape often wouldn’t suit another. There’s no right or wrong wattage to vape at.)
Secondly it helps break in the coil. And, whilst there’s no guarantee, this makes coils last a little longer.
I’ve vapes coils rated @ 40-80w, quite happily at 25-30w. So, within reason, it really is up to you.
something else to think on too. The AFC ( air flow control) adjusting this is often the secret to a good vape. So along with the wattage you need to adjust the amount of air getting to the coil.
for me anyway, this is harder to explain. The reality is far less complex than it looks written down.
I use a simple rule. If you draw on the tank and it feels just like taking a deep breath, you will probably need to close the afc down an bit. If drawing on the tank leaves you out of breath and purple, you’ll probably need to open it up, a bit.
you’ll find a draw that suits you. And, when you find your wattage nirvana, all you’ll need to do is a bit of tinkering.
I could go on for hours with the small points. But I don’t want you to fall asleep half way through.