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Going to pick up some titanium wire..


Jan 23, 2016
My Reuleaux isn't due until either Monday or Tuesday, but I'm definitely going to want to try and build for TC!! My totally wicked Revolution has been my best vape so far.. If it hadn't crapped out within a week and forced me to trade it in for store credit. I'm just wondering what would be the best gauge wire to get? I believe the VapeHQ near me sells 24, 26, and 28. They don't sell Ni for some reason.. Thanks all for any help.
.4mm is very versatile, which is 26 gauge I believe. .5mm, 24 gauge is good also but I found batteries didn't last long with it.
I've been using 26awg claptoned with 32awg. Single fused clapton in my Aeronaut on the RX200 is immense but going to see how well dual plain claptons work in it.

Bear in mind that annealed titanium is a lot easier to work with as it takes the springiness out.
I've never actually tried to infuse, nor do I know how too.. The most advanced build I've ever done was a parallel 24ga kanthal.. Which I accidentally wrapped too many times and it barely fit in my deck! Judged that one badly..

I'll pick up some 26ga. I've noticed my 24ga Kanthal drains my battery and I've heard TC on the Reuleaux kills battery life.. So I'll be wanting to preserve that. ;-)
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