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Goliath V2 - First Impressions

Big Kev

Apr 13, 2014
I took delivery of my Goliath V2 this morning and excitedly washed it in the Ultrasonic, then got down to putting a build on the thing.

I had watched a You Tube video of a bloke whacking a 3.5mm coil in there, so I had already prepared a couple of 3mm coils and duly installed them, easy I thought, but no, they were too big, so I had to take them out and put a couple of 2.5mm, 0.45 Kanthal efforts in there, showing up as 0.4 ohms. Put the rest of the tank on, filled her up and went for a vape.

Nope, the resistance was too low goddam it!!! Took it apart and moved the coils up a bit and then everything worked fine.

Anyway, enough of my incompetent building skills, when I opened up the box, you get the atty, two 0.5ohm monsterous prebuilt coil heads, spare glass section and a load of different coloured o-rings and spares. Nice package there, ooeer missus.

This feels quite cheaply made, compared to the V1 and assembling the top and bottom sections is a bit of a trial at first, requiring me to use my vape grips to get it together, but after a couple of goes, the threads seem to be sorting themselves out and it's easier now. Another con for me is the steel drip tip, which gets hot on my 0.4 build with 42w going through it, so I had to take that out and whack a Garry Dibley in there, which I prefer anyhow.

The chimney is easier to fit into the top section and slots into place, which is an improvement over the V1. The juice flow control is a little different, but is easy enough and does the job.

The airflow control is also different and people with Gorilla hands, like mine, will find it a bit fiddly to adjust, but wide open, you get the same sort of draw as the V1.

The main plus point though is the vape, it's really good, maybe even better than the V1 for me, plenty of flavour and vapour and it seems to drink the juice a little slower as well, not much, but any little helps.

Anyone else got one and what do you think?
I don't own this, but I am looking to place an order for it after watching Richard NG with it. Never owned the v1, so figured I would take a leap at this one. Not getting on that well with my Zephyrus, so figured this might suit me better. Thanks for the update on this.
I just tried my first refill and had to use two wrenches to get the sections apart, even my vape grips didn't work.

I know Kelvin (Phat Vaper) ripped this atty apart for the hassle he had getting them apart and I've had to leave a small gap between the sections to make it easier to take apart next time and I'm hoping this will improve with time, because it's ridiculous at the moment.
It's the o-ring that is causing the problem, so I took that out and it goes together and apart very easily, although you can't turn the juice control without it, but if you just set the control how you want before putting them together, it's fine. You could also try a thinner o-ring, but I'm happy enough as it is.

I also cracked one glass section, trying to separate them with juice still in there, good thing they come with a spare.
Thanks for the review.

I'll stick with my V1 for now after your comments.
Thanks for the review.

I'll stick with my V1 for now after your comments.

If you remove the o-ring mate, it's fine and a bloody good vape and probably better than the V1 for me and I love that tank.
Mine just arrived today. Seemed to come apart easily enough. It certainly didn't seem impossible to unscrew the deck like it has done in reviews and as mentioned. One thing I have noticed though is if the bottom section is overtightened then the you cant turn the tank for juice control. The bottom just needs to be tightened up just enough otherwise juice control won't work. Im guessing this is what happens when the bottom o-ring is removed for when its too tight, and the juice control stopper is touching the metal above and not allowing it to turn.

One thing I'm disappointed with is the chimney section being in one piece, it was awkward enough with the V1 checking to see if you were touching the chimney. Now its one piece on the V2 its impossible.
my 2 cents worth

I was waiting for this one for ages , had my V2 for a week now and this is how i feel


  • capacity , great stuff over v1 :)
  • flavour , yum
  • vapour , yea same as v1 (same deck so yea)
  • very slick look over v1 (like the coloured o-rings)
  • air flow , it was the main reason i got it (along with the capacity) it is much better than the V1
  • rifling , hmm i cant really tell any dif here but i shall stick it as a pro anyhow
  • Did not need to wash, no machine oil at all


  • first attempt to dissemble tank was a complete balls-up ! so frigging tight and i didn’t want to mark it or shatter the glass. Took me several hours and a multitude of tools.
  • still so tight to remove tank-top to refill that iv managed to unseat my mods 510 big daddy, will now have to take that apart to fix/tighten. I am now trying without the o-ring.
  • tank screwed right down disables the juice control , WHAT THE F&%k is this ? was it designed this way ? was it a tolerance thing ? this does piss me off somewhat as it just adds fiddly time to the re-fill procedure.
  • Flooding after refill , im getting wastage when screwing back on a full tank (its fine during usage). Not sure why as i dont open the JC until its screwed down (minus a tiny bit , grr). I believe its either the "shallow pool" of juice that sits on the deck when the tank is removed being forced up as the tank is screwed down or the wicks are being squished as the chimney comes down. I shall try removing/replacing the tank upside-down , yet another thing to add to the re-fill process (i didn’t get a Billow v2 cos you have to screw the tank on/off upside-down :-/ ).

Again i cant emphasize just how tight this RTA was i almost just sent it back after hours working on unscrewing it.

@s3rv3d, I don’t mind the single piece chimney as my coils are often darn close anyhow too close to really see visually so iv never bothered trying to look just resistance check.

All in all i do prefer it over my V1 which was my daily tank, shall keep using it and hope it loosens up a bit.

If ONLY they had made a top-fill on this i would have paid twice as much for it and brought 2 :D
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Picked one up today, looks nice and sleek. Slapped in a stock coil, good flavour similar to the Zephyrus coils, a tad better i would say and look much easier to rebuild.

Ive only used a single clapton in the RBA, flavour is off the chart.

Downsides so far is the juice holes are a tad small and its a messy bugger to fill.

Early days, so lots of builds to try yet but im very happy with it and ive had no problems getting it apart, maybe i have a later revision.
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