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Good evening, well hope its better then mine ( mine is not so bad. i do have rum)

For my tuppence worth anything by Johnsons Creek or Halo, oh, and Oromorph :)

Just had wrist bone graft and pin job. Internal body piercing lol !
i could eat jelly babies right now..or jelly anything to be fair.... but not chocolate !!!!!!!!!
if that's the case, I'll throw in some squid ink with your order (if you do get a vamo from me that is!) :P the most common comment is jelly babies :D

And just to do the maths for you - Vamo V5, 2 Efest batteries (widely regarded as one of the best battery manufacturers), battery box, Xtar charger (one of the most reliable chargers around), POTV 10% discount code and a bottle of juice for £51.80 delivered :)

Must dash, Die Hard's on :p
deal. pm me the link i need to follow or a reminder of what i need to buy and im on it in the morning. many thanks again to all as the help and advise .... and the members here tonight alone has been amazing.
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