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Good morning fellow vapours!


Jan 28, 2014
Hello all, may I introduce myself!

My name is Ryan (nickname Raz) I have been vaping for around almost 4 months now and must say I am loving it! Have been reading this forum for a while and decided to join up as it's full of great advice and helpful folk! I'm 28 years old, live just outside Nottingham and can't wait to get stuck in to the banter and hopefully helping out a few others in need of advice - should I be able to help!

I am currently using a Kamry KTS+ mod and iClear 30b tank (open to suggestions regarding these!), I'm not all with it with regards to acronyms and phrases to the experienced vapour enthusiasts out there, but I'm sure it will come in time!
Currently using t-juice for my juice and have just ordered Jack the Ripple, Afro Dizziac, Tangerine Dream and Vamp Vape (looking forward to trying these!).

It's a pleasure to be on board and thanks for having me! Any tips/helpful advice for a 'newbie' would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
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