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Grey Haze res/no-res wires


Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
@Grey Haze, is it possible to limit the orders some of the more ignorant and selfish people on another forum are doing in the future so that others might be able to try these wires out? :)
this sounds like the possibility for some gossip . care to share the conspiracy theory?
A forum for vapers in the uk (just take a few bits of that and re arrange) pretty much bought up all of the stock. They were buying anywhere between 100 and 500 wires each.
A forum for vapers in the uk (just take a few bits of that and re arrange) pretty much bought up all of the stock. They were buying anywhere between 100 and 500 wires each.

really hahahaha!!! trolling for vapers ! thats ridiculous.
Sorry about this guys, i had no idea this would happen i had 50 packs in stock i only ordered a few as I didn't know it would be in such high demand, some people took it upon them selves to bulk by taking advantage of the low price. I cant cancel these orders as i didn't mention any bulk buying restrictions before hand.

However the next load should be here by next week and i will be imposing a two pack per person rule, once demand has died down i will remove the restriction. I will let POTV members know in a thread in the greyhaze section the exact time the listing will go live so as to avoid disappointment.
thanks GreyHaze this is gonna be ideal ( i hope) for my ithaka homage.

as tbh ive got no res wire incoming but wouldnt know were to begin to join it myself.
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