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Hana Modz V3 - Anyone got one yet?


Dec 1, 2013
Been keeping an eye out on these for a while: http://www.hanamodz.com/ particularly a mini. However I figured that after a few weeks a few vendors over here would have them for sale but as of yet, I've not seen them for sale anywhere across the UK and every US vendor I've contacted either hasn't replied or won't ship to the uk.


So I figure the next best place to ask is on here, anyone even got their hands on one yet?
A mate has one, had to import it.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Been keeping an eye out on these for a while: http://www.hanamodz.com/ particularly a mini. However I figured that after a few weeks a few vendors over here would have them for sale but as of yet, I've not seen them for sale anywhere across the UK and every US vendor I've contacted either hasn't replied or won't ship to the uk.


So I figure the next best place to ask is on here, anyone even got their hands on one yet?

http://legadgets.com/electronic-mods comes to 920mr = £166 but only do free international shipping if your order = 1000mr £180 so pop on a couple of drip tips and your away
Must admit a dna30 device is tempting me more and more. Mainly for long car journeys and/or being the 'around the house' mod.

Won't have that kind of money free till next pay day, which by then they'll probably be gone :/ I'm more so after a mini really despite beggers can't be choosers (just making myself feel better about being skint :P), I wanna be able to use it as an all day PV, I find I'm always carrying a few 18350's around in my pocket when using a mech rather than using it in 18650 mode
Tutterz. That's what credit cards are designed for! I tell myself that about this time every month! I'm planning to see what's left in my vape box and see what i can sell to put towards this OTT buy!

I know what you mean about carrying a couple of extra 18350s when you're out and about. That's one reason why I decided to go for this.
Ask Mawsley he knows which UK Vendor will have them :) He never shuts up about em either :P

I love me a box mod...but i bet the price on this one will make me cringe.
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