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My Brass Nem is somewhere in the air headind towards H/R and the ohm checker was scanned in tonight but my K/f has gone to reorder after being scheduled to ship 6/10, Email from them says they expect early next week bah
My Brass Nem is somewhere in the air headind towards H/R and the ohm checker was scanned in tonight but my K/f has gone to reorder after being scheduled to ship 6/10, Email from them says they expect early next week bah

Wtf you have tracking on HK post?
Same hear on brass nem and separate order of aios shipped on 21st. As I said before I don't mind the wait but all this no tracking bullshit is taking the mick, especially when you see others getting there stuff and others getting working tracking numbers. I know its probably not ft's fault but its wearing a bit thin now IMO

sent from the land of make believe using POTV mobile app
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