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hcigar mods and other clones

as you can see I'm aiming for the tarnished look :D

Looks good but you need some wet n dry on the lock ring mine was like that with machine lines :)
nowt to do with hcigar really, but this is a thread where I can get good advice.
Found another supplier, desire ecig, free shipping over $60.
lots of mods/rbas.

then saw a picture and something went off in my head
http://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10006770/1535900-avenger-telescopic-mechanical-mod (picture number 5)
http://www.desire-ecig.com/MOD-electronic-cigarette/avenger-mod-clone (picture number 3)

the rabbit hole is officially deepened

you can almost see the little fasttech plastic anti-copying thingy reflecting in the desire ecig photos too.
wonder if the companies are linked, or just nicking each others stuff
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