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Just to add, my email from Clive Bates:

Dear Leigh

Following your comment, I’ve added an email contact for to the organisers of the declaration who are happy to have additional signatories from e-cig companies. http://www.clivebates.com/?p=1904

It’s being co-ordinated by Charles Hamshaw Thomas at Zanderra / E-lites.

Clive Bates

This means that every single one of us, big or small, that agrees and wants to put our name to the joint letter can do so - follow the link and read the article then sign at the bottom
at the end of the day no ones being black listed i beleive the thread was just out of curiosity to see who supported that madness i for 1 obviously do not all i sell is 72 mg base to alot of small time juice makers that then resell there mixs. and to the general diy vaper ...........
I'm late to the party, but to clarify, I do not recognise the TVECA, they do not speak for me.
For what it's worth I also do not recognise the United States of EU, any government body or any collection of "experts" drafted in by any government.
I do not let anybody speak for me, I have my own voice. I do not vote in the corrupt system ergo the corrupt system cannot represent me in any way.

The list of flaws in the TPD is endless, but lets focus on the main one: Tobacco Products Directive.
There is no tobacco in an ecig, there is no tobacco in ecig liquid.
That's the end of the argument right there. Anything said after that fact is invalid.

I will continue to sell ecigs, related paraphernalia and liquid until such time as a better and safer device comes along, then I'll sell that instead.
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