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Hello again... New to mods.

Chris.W thats a pretty good setup for the money i'd go for either that or this http://marketplace.planetofthevapes.co.uk/coolvape-sigelei-zmax?filter_name=zmax
simply for the fact that this telescopes so u can use it in short mode 18350 battery or 18650 battery tall mode - they both do the same thing variable voltage/wattage both 510 both good workhorses I just think the zmax is the better looking device in brushed steel and sigelei is a good brand unless the vamo is an official ksd i wouldnt touch it at the end of the day though either one will be a good foray into the world of mods for you.
Happy shiny buying:assassin:
like i say both good kits just the vamo v5 isnt telescopic so always has to be in long mode with 18650 battery or two 18350
Sorry, i meant to say the Zmax V5... Also, should I be buying flat or round top? Whats the difference? Thanks.
no real difference performance wise just looks wise i prefer flat tops as round tops tend have a passing resembelance to a vibrator
heres my flat top zmax v3 with a kanger protank 2 on it
and heres a roundtop zmax-v3.jpg
with a protank on it
i was the same a week ago swithering over which to buy vamo or zmax flat or round top they all do the same thing its really whatever you like the look of best and can get a good price on and make sure its guaranteed and you won't go wrong
Haha. Thanks for that. Very helpful. I'm struggling to find anywhere in UK that has the V5 in stock.... Any ideas?
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