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Tell Me About Rebuildables

There is no resurrecting pre-made coils it's effectively dead. Whereas a rebuildable as I said simply take out the cotton an burn the gunk off.

mix up in terminology I think.....we normally class pre-made coils as 906789_Pre-made-Micro-Coils-26AWG__08980.jpg

Stock coils as how-to-prime-a-coil-ultimate-guide-on-priming-a-vape-coil.jpg

Making your own as 20151005_143915_2048x.jpg
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just get yourself a tank and some coils or wire and cotton to make your own.
if you like to vape straight into your lungs, loose draw get a dtl tank (direct to lung)
if you vape like a cig mouth to lung get a mtl tank
if you search on here or youtube best mtl rta (mouth to lung rebuildable tank atomizer) or best dtl rta(direct to lung rebuildable tank atomizer) will give you options.
this is a good,easy tank to start with. easy to build and wick and fill. https://naturevape.co.uk/products/true-mtl-rta-by-ehpro-naturevape?variant=30597400461374
coils = https://naturevape.co.uk/collection...pton-1-00-ohm-mtl-coil?variant=39569243144366
Hi @Rob I'm really into having a stash of "bits" and being as cost effective as possible. I did use to get the cotton and do my own years ago on an old Ego style tank in the days when it was mainly Hangsen liquids...Wow.. it seems such a long time ago now....there wasn't any wire involved back then though.. it was just a case of rolling it between thumb and forefinger and threading it into the tank as far as i remember.

As an aside i lived in Hull at the time and there wasn't a single vape shop in the town and i had to drive to Bridlington to buy juice from a shop. I bet theres a dozen shops there now..
The Ego with Hangsen liquids brings back great memories for many early vapers. Crazy how much things have changed. There are so many more devices and e-liquids to choose from now
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