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Hello again...


Jul 17, 2018
Hi everyone

I am a returning vaper. I used to be on here a few years ago....around the time shinyitis was rife. Stingrays had just come on the scene...lol. Anyway me and Mrs Daffs fell off the wagon but have returned to vaping. We both have just acquired the Wismec luxotic with Tobinho BF Rda. We make our own juices and coils.

Anyway its good to be back and look forward to chatting although I will have some daft questions...I know there isn't such thing. Its amazing how much vaping has changed with regard to devices etc....its gotta be good eh.
Welcome back, always new gear coming out. I think shinyitis is still very much rife!
Hi mate. Shinyitus is to Vaping as the Gold bug is to prospecting, incurable! They go hand in hand. Just recently got from a sale a years worth of coils and diy juice supplies and tonight found myself looking at tanks and mods :18:
Welcome back. Glad you've managed to get back on the wagon
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