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Hello fellow Vapers!

Health E_cig

Nov 24, 2012
Hello all, my names Simon and I'm 22 years old. I've been hooked on vaping for the past few months. Hooked so much that myself and 2 friends have set up our own shop selling e-cigs! :) I hope to convert many more vapers to the cause and save lives. A bit dramatic for an introduction post I know but what the heck.

Hi there and welcome to the Planet :)

Do you need a forum to go along with your shiny new vendor status?
What is the name of your shop and do you have a website?
The name of the shop is Health E-cig, we have a website http://www.healthe-cig.co.uk which will be live at some point this week. We're quite a new company so things are still under construction. :)

If you're curious as to how it looks you can check it out while it's in demo mode here http://greenarrowserver1.com/~healthec/index/index_php Ignore the mess ups of course lol.

Getting it all set up for you in just a few seconds....

Make sure you've read our rules in regards to being a vendor on PoTV http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/forums/announcement.php?f=72
Just one point . Quote from the site:

Where can I smoke Health E-cigs?
Anywhere is the answer, the e-cig is not bound by the same laws as actual cigarettes. This means that you're free to use your Health E-cig whenever you'd like even if it's within a public premesis. Remember that not everyone is familiar with electronic cigarettes and their laws so be understanding if confronted by an establishment owner or a member of staff.

This isn't strictly true. Not being captured by the smoking legislation is not the same as saying you can vape anywhere. It's legal to use but many public/private premises do not allow them. Public houses are in fact private too and it's up to the landlord whether Vaping is permitted. I understand its a beguiling thing to suggest you can vape anywhere but there are caveats ;)
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