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Hello from Northern Ireland

Hi and welcome.
I am with those who say 24 mg nicotine to get you off the fags.That is what I did and was off the baccy within a week.
For starters Going to your local shop is a good idea.
I started with an ego type battery and a protank mini 2 and was back for another battery within a week then another battery.This is the minimum that you require to get off the fags You dont want to be caught out without a battery.
Any of the tanks recommended here will do the job and will have a use even as backup if you move on to other kit.
Do not go diving in spending any more than you have to till you know it works for you.

You will want some spare coil heads with tour tank the lower resistance ones will give you more vapour.If you are the kind of person that likes tinkering you might want to go for one of the single coil kanger tanks like the older protanks.If you are more the type to just spend a couple of quid every week or so and put in new coilheads then some tanks take double coiled heads.
My first protanks kept me happy for several months and only recently have I been trying other things.

Oh and by the way after a few weks vaping 24 mg (2.4%) I was on 12 now on different gear I am on 6mg or less.

Go for it and good luck.It can be easier than you imagine.It was for me.
Talking to my daughter there and she says they run a stall
in the Bow Street Mall, is that right?

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Sorry that last comment was for Steven.

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Well the stuff the stall sells is pretty crap to be honest but the same time you don't want to spend to much to you see if it works for you. I would still suggest going to the shop as they let you taste the juice to see if you like before you buy.

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Cheers for that Steven, can't get there this
morning but am heading to Lisburn next
week and from looking at their online store
I will get the Evod starter and see how I go.

Placed a order for some liquid from lickwid
last night as they are on offer, will try them
with a cheap kit I bought on the bay when it

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Can't go wrong with that I'm vaping forest berry blast from there at the min it's pretty good. Just rem there is other things in cigs that are adictive so you will still crave for cigs a bit on the 1st week and if you do give in its no big deal just get back on to the vaping. If you get headaches don't worry they will go away in 4 or 5 days, I took some headache tablets the 1st week. And drink plenty of water, good luck

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once you realise it's actually really easy..you'll be rushing out to buy another battery and a xtra tanks/clearo's.
If you get headaches you'll have to cut your nic down,but maybe keep a tank of 18/24mg for your wake up vape.
get yourself to a shop and try some flavours..dont buy tons of tobacco juice ,once you taste fruit there's no turning back...custard awaits.

oh ..and dont panic that you dont have a clue what anyone's talking about...i've been here coming up 3 months and half the time i dont either.[emoji15]
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Cheers for the replies and tips, really helpful
and a super friendly bunch of peeps to boot.

If I could make one suggestion to save myself
and other noobs a list of abbreviations and their
meanings wouldn't go amiss.

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