Thanks guys, my you are a friendly bunch.
So what's the next step in vaping? Finding the innokin iclear duel core clearomiser better to vape than my other option, the klanger m3. But quite enjoy mucking about rebuilding the m3. Not attempted it yet with the duel coil (bit scared tbh)
should I be looking at a genny or something?
will be getting into mixing my own juice too but wanna master rebuilding atomisers and get that sorted before moving on. Also sampling various flavours to see what floats my boat.
So what's the next step in vaping? Finding the innokin iclear duel core clearomiser better to vape than my other option, the klanger m3. But quite enjoy mucking about rebuilding the m3. Not attempted it yet with the duel coil (bit scared tbh)
should I be looking at a genny or something?
will be getting into mixing my own juice too but wanna master rebuilding atomisers and get that sorted before moving on. Also sampling various flavours to see what floats my boat.