Thank you all for your help!
I hope it's just a rabbit hole, and not a money pit
Now I have to educate myself on coils, cottons, etc Any advice or links welcome.
Its a rabit hole as deep as you want to dig,
If going into mech mods then learning ohms law is mandatory ..
With regulated mods its only very useful

as the mods smarts work for you..
SIngle coil builds just need to be within the mods ability to use ..
Dual coil builds DO REQUIRE equally balanced coils so buy in or wrap identical coils..
probably best to start off with A1 0.4mm 5-8x round 2.5-3mm aiming at 0.5ohm an online coil tool
like , can help you refine based on mandrill size etc..
thicker stiffer wire with a large diameter for easy threading..
should be a robust starter coil and stand up to a bit of wick abuse
But if your atty ships with a coil. USE THAT to get vaping asap (post atty wash..)
cotton is cotton raw unbleached japanese muji pads are sold at a premium in packs of 5x 10x 20x etc by vape vendors
buy a bag for less than a fiver/(tenner with pnp)
you can spend a lot more I think on packaging and marketing, but thats just my opinion.
i went on a bit sorry