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Help me pic a new mod! I can't decide!


Jan 1, 2015
Nice little bonus coming end of the month with me new job. Taking the kids away for a weekend and roughly £100 budget for a new mod.

Really can't decide on what to buy. Will be uses for mainly a subtank and Atlantis and drippers in the evening. This will be my new main mod with the coolfire 4 for back up.

Ideally I would like 40w plus. However sometimes I would like to go a touch higher on the drippers.

Either built in or removable battery's are fine but if its internal it must be a large capacity.

Ideally like to steer clear of clones.

So far my shortlist has came down to:

Vaporshark rdna40
MVP pro 60w
Evic vt temp control
Smok m80 plus
Sigelei 150w
Ipv 4

Or possibly build my own dna40 or sx mini chip box mod.

Have read a few reviews of each of the mods and I must say I love the look of the vaporshark.

Just want to be sure this is going to last me a long time and not cause me any drama.

Yes I have seen the sx mini m class its well over budget for me and I may be the only one that thinks this but I think it looks vile. I'm sure its a amazing device but the price and style is a no for me.

Help me out apes!

PS keep you eyes peeled for a give away in the next couple of weeks!
If you have the skills surely you should make your own.
You will appreciate it more and it will last because you will know how to fix any problems.
Have you considered an extra £15 or so and going for the new tan plus? It's a beauty :)

ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1435519212.158165.jpg
It was £74.99 from MV on Weds made me sick! MV back up to 105 now bloody vaping price rigging ;)

Depends what the OP wants from a mod could get a crappy VS rDNA 2amp and wireless charging!
Have you thought about the HCigar VT40?
Genuine Evolv DNA40 with temp control.
I liked the look and sound of it so much I got me wallet out and splashed the cash and I'm a tight arsed bastard. Cheepest I've found it for is £80 from Midlands vaping, everywhere els seems to be over £100, even GearBest.
Mawsley has a great review of it http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/f...reviews/75810-hcigar-vt40-from-vape-geek.html

I did look at these, never heard of h cigar before are they a decent well known brand such as vapourshark? I'm aware its the same rDNA 40 chip but at the same cost as the vapourshark is there any difference? Apart from the looks?
Vaping is like what is your favourite flavour of crisps? Everyone has an opinion! ;)
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