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Help needed I need inspiration to keep making

I wish I had something to suggest, but my requirements for mods are really just 'small and inexpensive'

If I did have the money to splurge on a handmade mod I would be looking for something that was similar to my epitite I expect. DNA60, single 18650, as compact as possible. Everyone has different tastes and requirements though so it's difficult.
I don’t have much to suggest Stu, I’m sorry, I wish I did :5: You are resilient though, I know you will come out of this. I think personally that there is a swing back towards mtl happening - what is the smallest, most compact mod you can make? Can you get DNA40 or 60w boards and look at the mtl market?
How about combining you old job as a jeweller and the new mod maker you and do a sterling silver mech tube and then team up with your engraver friend and let her work her magic on it.
Also I love it when you re purpose things, like the walking stick
all good suggestions love @rews pics easy to do

yes I can do the sterling silver tube but the cost would be hideously expensive it would be beyond high end I could set a mod with rubies diamonds emeralds etc but same again a huge cost

but I have a new mod on the bench which I like the idea of hmmm a coming soon?
all good suggestions love @rews pics easy to do

yes I can do the sterling silver tube but the cost would be hideously expensive it would be beyond high end I could set a mod with rubies diamonds emeralds etc but same again a huge cost

but I have a new mod on the bench which I like the idea of hmmm a coming soon?

Look forward to seeing what you come up with
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