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help needed to overcome confusion please :)


New Member
Oct 7, 2013
Hi, I recently brought the ego-t and have some 24mg liquid. I have started trying to use it today and am just getting to used to it really, though so far so good. I know we are all different and will find our own way of using it, but just wondered if I could get some advice? First of all, how many puffs should I be taking on average to replicate the nicotine I would get from a cigarette? I've watched some youtube clips that suggest inhaling for longer than you would a normal cigarette so I will try that. Also, do people who have been successful tend to gradually reduce off normal cigarettes, eg, having just a few a day, or just cut them out completely? And what are the different styles of using it? I initially thought I would make myself go outside and use it like I would a cigarette so it feels similar, but is it best to have a few drags or have them all in one go like a cigarette? Sorry if these are silly questions, I know everyone will have their own way I just wondered what had worked for others? I am a 20 day smoker, have been for over 20 years and am desperate to get off them so any help would be greatly appreciated :)
I switched straight over, as soon as my ego battery was charged I was off! I just go in kitchen n ave a few toots, sometimes i'll have a cuppa, vape away while im drinking tea, chatting to the Mrs. Depends, you'll get into your own routine, you might chain vape to start with, new hobby/gadget sort of thing. Things usually settle down, you'll know if your having to much, you usually get nic head rush or feel bit quesy. Then if you find this happening a lot, it may mean you need to either cut nic levels down a bit or vape less. Good luck, you'll find plenty of info/help here.
You might find that you will sometimes chain vape, i do it sometimes if i find a flavour i really like, to be honest i haven't suffered from chain vaping, but i do tend to go outside at work and puff away for a few minutes.
If you were a 20 a day smoker i would say cut down to 18mg, thats what i am on, and i find it a good strength to vape on, plus i have no cravings for analogues at all, quite happy to go outside and mingle with the tabbers!
Nice long slow drags will do the job :)

Also Vape until you don't feel like it :P If you get nauseous, slow down (thats your body sayin WHOA buddy too much Nicotine!)

Keep hydrated as well :D and welcome to vapaing!
As KMS says, drink lots of liquids, it can make you feel quite dehydrated!
I read somewhere that around 7 drags is equivalent of one fag but I don't know if that's true.

I chain vape low nic and am happy to do that. I vape indoors.
Hi. I was on 20+ a day, I went the cutting down first route. took me 5 weeks, as I just couldn't let go of last couple. Been smoke free now for 2 months +.
As for going outside to vape, I still find myself going out, from habit. Don't need to at home, just find myself doing it automatically.
For how many puffs = one smoke, there's to many variables to be any where near accurate. You would need to know how much nicotine you got from a ciggy drag, and how much you get from a vape, then do the maths. But as we are all different, you would get a different answer each time.
I just keep vaping till I've had enough. Or as @Doofy says, chain vape cos it's a nice flavor. Then the I've had to many cigarettes feeling kicks in and you stop for a while.
I think that chain vaping/having regular draws on it tends to keep the craving monster at bay. I'm not suposed to vape in work, so without the all day vaping, I tend to be more likely to really want a fag by the time I get chance (when I will probably have a fag). Conversely, when I'm home all day in front of the telly on a Saturday, I tend to smoke less because I've been vaping on & off all day long and never thought about the fags.

Lots of people just stop smoking the day they start with a decent set up, others like myself still have the odd few per day - I was determined I wasn't going to put any pressure on myself and would let things roll naturally (making myself quit fags altogether would've probably made me want to smoke more).

I am hoping soon I'll let go of the last few fags (I went from 17-20 per day to an average of about 5 from day one).

There is a formula taking into account nic strength and amount vaped per day that gives you a rough idea of equivalent fags - it told me I was vaping around 4.5, so added to the real ones, that equals max 10 per day - a lot less than I was smoking. (I vape around 1ml per day)

24mg seems quite high for a 20 a day person. I started on 18mg and soon dropped to 16mg, which seems to suit me fine for now
emmared333 just think of it like this, its about the cigarettes you don't smoke that counts!
Yes everyone is different, but vape when you feel like it, you will soon find your own equilibrium :)
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