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Help please


Dec 28, 2019
Hi all, I've been vaping for a few weeks now and I'm loving it. I've completely kicked the cigarettes. I'm using an Aspire speeder with a Smok tank and coil. The problem I'm having is that it's heating up rapidly, even after a few drags and then it starts to leak. It's running at 90 watts and temperature is at 300 degrees f. I've replaced seals, tanks and coils but still have the same problem. I do take long heavy drags from it otherwise I can't seem to feel it in my throat. My partner seems to be able to smoke it with no problem. If I smoke her vape it heats up real quick as well. It must be the way I am smoking it but I've seen plenty of videos of people taking huge hits from them and producing loads of smoke. I'm confused as to why I cant. Can anyone help please?
If you're in temp mode it won't work the same. You want to be in VW mode for the tank you have.

The tank should be able to handle long drags.

What ratio liquid do you have in it? The smok tank will probably work best with 70vg 30pg as any lower might be causing the leaks.

Also could be that you need higher nicotine. If you're not getting much out of 3mg you could try 6mg for the harsher hit.
Hey pete42 congrats on quitting smoking. Yes your running quite high imo 90w is too much for me . I have a 0.17 coil at about 60w .What strength nicotine are you running?? I started on 12mg then tapered down to 3mg over a year. Some tanks leak with high pg liquids try higher vg liquids they behave better. Keep vaping bud my first mod was a speeder loved it but the battery door is pants.
Hi Pete
as above, if its showing 300f you are in TC temperature control mode. this mode should only be used with certain coils like nickel, titanium, stainless steel.
you need to set your mod to wattage mode or as mentioned VW which is variable wattage.
i tried TC twice and have stuck with wattage mode for past 5 years.
The Speeder is a cracking mod and one of my favourites. But as mentioned above, only certain coils can be used in temperature mode so you need to get out of that mode and in to variable wattage. To do this press the up and fire button at the same time. Fire button again to select modes. Press up or down till you get to the option that says 2. W - Normal and press the fire button again. Then just set the mod to whatever wattage you want.
Thanks for the replies guys.
Ok, I'm using a 70\30 mix of 12mg. I agree that the speeder is a great mod and also that the battery door is pants, lol. I'm using a 0.12 coil and reduced the wattage to 70 and still getting heat build up and light leakage.
I had been assuming that I had to set the temperature as well as wattage. From what you have said if I have the wattage value in the screen then I'm in VW mode and the temperature mode has nothing to do with it. Is that correct?I
Am I right in saying that I just set the wattage and that temp, resistance 3rd has nothing to do with it?
wattage mode will just show wattage on screen i guess and TC is turned off automatically.
if your screen shows centigrade or fahrenheit your still in the wrong setting.

can you post a picture of the screen as ive not got this mod.

and 12mg at 70watt, wowza. your brave.


watts should be showing on bottom left of screen. check vid

It tells you what mode you're in on the screen. As you can see, it says Watts N. You can have watts plus N, H, or S. Normal, hard and soft. As I said in my previous post, set yours to mode option number 2. Watts Normal.


If you're in temp mode is says TC plus the wire type, SS (stainless steel) in my case....

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Hi Guys, thanks again for the replies. Yes I'm using it in wattage mode. I've been using a Vaptio Capt'n mod with a different Smok tank and the same result, leaking oil all over the place. What I should have mentioned is that my first vape was an Aegis mini with a Cerberus tank and I've never once had an issue with it, I'm back to smoking that for the time being. My partner can smoke all of my mods without any leakage so it must be something I'm doing wrong but I have no clue what it is! This is giving me a serious headache, man I need a cigarette!
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