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Help - why is my Fogger v4 build so crap?

You're doing better than I managed, it took me four builds before it stopped pissing e-liquid out of the airholes. And it holds a lot of juice - especially when it doesn't.

Eventually I followed the build of Bloody Good Vaping on the Big Fogger (the v4 on steroids, I think - deck certainly looks the same). As earlier poster noted, wicks rising straight out of the channels, arcing to coil and over to opposite channel.

It is tricky to judge the right amount of cotton, between avoiding a flood and choking the wick. Not so forgiving as a Kayfun. When it does work though, it's a hoot!

I'll happily build Foggers. Even Ithakas which aren't the easiest build out there (That's the Taifun GT BTW)

The Big Fogger is a stone bitch to build. I've had not problems building 22mm Foggers, but the big one...
Thanks Irish hobbo, watched that vid and it is now wicking pretty damn well, the draw is still way to airy for my liking so i'll look for a narrow bore drip tip, anyone have any suggestions before i take pot luck? Thanks again all. :thankssign:
Thanks Irish hobbo, watched that vid and it is now wicking pretty damn well, the draw is still way to airy for my liking so i'll look for a narrow bore drip tip, anyone have any suggestions before i take pot luck? Thanks again all. :thankssign:

Glad you made some progress matey :D
Another point that I learned very quickly was to make sure that the coils are actually rather higher above the deck than you might imagine 3, 4, mm and only wick halfway down the juice channels.... if at all.:thumbup:
Another point that I learned very quickly was to make sure that the coils are actually rather higher above the deck than you might imagine 3, 4, mm and only wick halfway down the juice channels.... if at all.:thumbup:

^ Golden advice right there :)
Best build I found with my Fogger was to forget putting wick down the channels and build it like a Kayfun. So if using cotton build the coils line them up high from the deck at about the same level as the posts, then thread the cotton, pull them up vertically and screw on the chimney, cut the cotton off same height as the chimney,then push the cotton down to touch the deck above the channels. Prime the wicks then put on the top part of the chimney and rebuild the tank. Works for me flavour vapour no leaks :)
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