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hey, thanks for replies with tips on my taste problem. I have been talking at work about this and he recommended changing flavours. I am at the moment just sticking with tabaco flavours right now. Will it help if i maybe start using a totally different flavour? maybe something like banana or strawberry? Not been adventuring into that direction yet!
Again thanks for advice in advance
hmm, nobody have any suggestion about this theory? About changing flavours in order to avoid vaportongue?
yes change flavours or give your tongue a good scrubbing with cordysol.
thanks kulrmestoopid:) sorry to keep on about this, just new to vaping and have so much to learn and try i think lol. Also about changing flavours!
is it better to have different tanks i.e. 1 for each flavour and just keep cleaning the same tank? What about the wick? does it not carry flavour from previous juice, even when cleaned? and does it not break the wick slowly with each clean? seen some where wee strand of wick come out after a wash or 2!
sorry about the questions but more will come! lol
You dont want to see how much fiddly bits of gear I have. The more the better.

If I clean something out, I only put a similar juice back in, fruits with fruits menthols with menthols... most times ifyouve given it a good wash there is very little flavour contamination and what there is gets vaped away pretty quickly.

The wicks break down from the heat of the coil, not really the rinsing out so much. if you get 2 weeks out of a wick n coil thats great!, but a week is about all I keep one going for before I chuck it.
sonny979 we all get this from time to time as others have said try a strong menthol juice it'll clear your palette also i suggest some snake oil from Tmax so refreshing and cool
Great tip for the Cordysol mouth wash! That should get them firing again :D

I find that mouth wash actually destroys my sense of taste :-(
Had to use it cos of bleeding gums. My dentist says that's common side effect of that mouth wash.

I use lemon juice on my tongue, seems to help a bit. As others have suggested menthol also helps.
I find that mouth wash actually destroys my sense of taste :-(
Had to use it cos of bleeding gums. My dentist says that's common side effect of that mouth wash.

I use lemon juice on my tongue, seems to help a bit. As others have suggested menthol also helps.

Yeah I do agree with you, I can imagine taste would go a little wonky after a mouth wash!

I think what KulrMeStoopid was trying to get at, is to take something that has a drastic flavour change to get the taste buds kicking in again. Realistically, this could be anything that you don't mind the taste of.

Your tip of using Lemon juice is pretty good. I too would prefer menthol though. For me, when flavours all start to blend into one, I like to put a strong mint or ice e-liquid in my tank for a day or so (I'm a big fan of icy liquids!) :)
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