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Hi all, new user.


Feb 9, 2014
Hi everyone. Been lurking for a while and really enjoyed some of the posts so I figured I'd join in.

Quit smoking roll ups 29 days ago and haven't looked back! All with the help of a simple ego style battery and a small selection of cheap clearo's. I've been passing on the message to anyone who'll listen since with the hope that I'm not being too preachy :5:
Welcome to the Planet Mate!!! Congratulations on the Switch and keep up the Good Work Spreading the Gospel!!!:welcome2:
Cheers to you both. I know it's been said a lot but I was amazed at how easy it's been. Ordering an MVP and an igo next week, can't bloody wait!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hello and welcome to the Planet tikkatock! Well done on kicking the fags, you should start to feel the health benefits soon and loose the yellow fingers!
Hello and welcome to the Planet tikkatock! Well done on kicking the fags, you should start to feel the health benefits soon and loose the yellow fingers!

Thanks mate. 10 years smoking and i'm chuffed to bits.
You're bang on about the health benefits. Not smelling of fags and waving bye bye to the yellow fingers have been icing on the cake

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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