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Hi all newbie to vaping


New Member
Feb 9, 2014
Hi everyone, I'm Andy from Staffordshire. Been a smoker for about 15 years now. Tried various methods to quit in the past none worked. Used zyban tablets which I did quit for 6 months then started working in a pub when u could still smoke in. Couldn't smoke cigarettes but could smoke cigars and weened myself back to cigarettes.
Since then tried champix tablets to no effect.

Just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes before Christmas so I've been told I must quit, which I was then told about vaping. So I have bought a socialites tank kit and currently migrating from tobacco to vapour.

Welcome to POTV, this place is great for help and advice. Your on the right track, keep up the good work :)
Hello and welcome b3nno, there are a few people on here with diabetes so you're not alone. Lots of info on here and people who are happy to help answer questions - ask away!
Hi and Welcome to the Planet! Quitting the smokes is not an easy feat, but at least you're on the right path! I think you'll find vaping a great alternative. Good luck on your mission to leave the tobacco behind you!
vApe On!
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