Just like to say Hi, and what a great website this is.
New to the vaping game having given up the fags 5 weeks ago. I have tried many times before with the patches and inhailers but to no avail, but i think i have got it cracked this time. Down to 6mg liquids already and thoroughly enjoying it.
I have just progressed to an Itazte MVP from an Ego thanks to Vanillavapes and the discount code on this website.
Thanks very much, your website is much appreciated.
New to the vaping game having given up the fags 5 weeks ago. I have tried many times before with the patches and inhailers but to no avail, but i think i have got it cracked this time. Down to 6mg liquids already and thoroughly enjoying it.
I have just progressed to an Itazte MVP from an Ego thanks to Vanillavapes and the discount code on this website.
Thanks very much, your website is much appreciated.
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