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Hi from an on/off vaper

Having said that I still dual fuel, your body will quit when its good and ready. You've cut down vastly so that's what matters, it's psychological if you're telling your body no. It craves it more

Sent From Within A Plume Of Vapour...
Hi Diche, im currently on 36 mg!
I think its my device for sure, vaporsizer.
X x

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Hi, which brand of E-Liquid is it you using, and what flavour?

It sounds like to me that you either aren't getting the nicotine fix your craving, which if your not getting from a 36mg juice can only mean either your clearomizer isn't performing well enough or perhaps the actual flavour isn't enough to keep you off the real cigs.

If you'd like a free sample of our RY6 which is very, very close to a real cig taste, then just PM us your details and we'll arrange it for you.
Hi, which brand of E-Liquid is it you using, and what flavour?

It sounds like to me that you either aren't getting the nicotine fix your craving, which if your not getting from a 36mg juice can only mean either your clearomizer isn't performing well enough or perhaps the actual flavour isn't enough to keep you off the real cigs.

If you'd like a free sample of our RY6 which is very, very close to a real cig taste, then just PM us your details and we'll arrange it for you.

Hi there
Most is from paradise vape as they have a good selection of sweet ones, as im not keen on tobacco ones. Im currently using vanilla custard, but ive used parma violet, cinnamon gum and grape candy which I found nice.

Sent from my GT-P5110 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I quit smoking at Christmas after 55 yrs. I still have the very odd ciggy but vaping has worked for me. The main thing which helped me is the Naturevape coil. I nearly packed in vaping as I was buying new coils every week and, due to my old eyes. I never attempted re-wicking. Then I bought the naturevape coils. They last for ages and re-wicking is a 5 minute job at most. Also, you get a lot better taste from your liquids. Expensive but worth every penny !!
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