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Hi from Lincolnshire


Feb 25, 2014
Hello all. I've been vaping since last November.

I was a 30-ish a day cigarette and roll-up smoker. I've had about 10 roll-ups and 1 cigarette since I started vaping... the last one was about 3 weeks ago. I'm fairly typical in that I don't like the taste and smell of burning tobacco anymore. As long as I can vape, I don't believe I'll ever smoke again.

I've accumulated a a few ego/spinner batteries, tanks and cartomisers and juices. I did start vaping with a Green Smoke cigalike which was excellent but a bit expensive to maintain for a confirmed cheapskate.

Hello and welcome to the Planet knome, well done on transitioning to vaping only! Lots of help, advice and friendly banter here to help you on your vaping journey!
Thanks for the welcome :thankssign:

I've recently had to upgrade to Unlimited broadband due to an increase in vape-related YouTuberation. Is this normal?
Hi Knome from a fellow Lincolnshire vaper. Where about are you? There seem to be a few more of us about these days, soon there may be enough to have a vapemeet.
Welcome to POTV
All the best
Hi Knome and :welcome2: to POTV :D

Like you, I'm new as well, and like you I was a smoker for years and now that I'm vaping, it's been a week since my last cig and I haven't looked back since. I also believe that as long as I can vape, I'll be okay off the cigs :D

Congrats on making it three weeks cig free! It's always a pleasant feeling when you get that far!
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