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hot battery?

Will do :)

Found any diamonds today :P

nup had a shite vape day fuckin taifun spat the dummy on me had to strip it to the bare bones replace all the insulators and o rings its all good now I had my KFL but much prefer my taifun
hey Pepper i've got a diamond for you
Oh, your day just gets better and better Pepper

I've just had a house visit from my only 'vaping' real life friend. Although he's not a forum sort of guy he does like his higher end kit.

I have a fogger with no glass.
He has a fogger glass but no fogger.

You will soon have the happy combination of fogger *and* glass!

I'm off to polish my halo ;-)

And ive wicked / coiled it with voodoo and happy vaping away on my vaping chair :D

Looks ace on the nemi thank you again x
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