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Hot Dingo


Apr 14, 2013
My dingo is getting hot at the bottom. Thought it was the atomizer at first but it's getting hot with any atty on it.

Dismantled the switch and gave everything a good clean. Put it back together and still getting hot.

Dismantled again and put back together making sure that there is nothing causing a short. Still getting hot!

My thinking is that for whatever reason, the hotspring from the battery connector is causing the bottom cap to get hot. But why??

Oh and I've already tried different batteries and all the same. :confused:
the whole "conservation of energy" thing applies here...the power is being converted into heat, and the only way we can do that is via resistance...so something is dirty or making a horrible contact.

it *should* be visible if it is enough to make heat, but if everything looks ok, then grab some sandpaper/green scratchy thing used for dishes, and give the parts that touch each other a nice little rub (spring ends especially)
This same issue came up on another forum a while back, they found that replacing the hotspring with a rhodium plated one fixed the problem.
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