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How did I not know about this sooner!!!


Apr 23, 2013
Up until a week ago my only knowledge of ecigs was of having tried a disposable cigarette lookalike device bought from a newsagents a couple of years ago and finding it was utterly horrendous.

On Friday I was stood in the Smoking area at work when I noticed another guy stood there using a device that had a small tank of liquid on it and he was blowing out plumbs of smoke! I was mesmerised by what this guy was doing and i instantly needed to know more. I tried to listen to a conversation he was having and the only bit I clearly heard was "E-Go".

As soon as I got home I made a cup of coffee, sat down at my computer and typed the 3 letters into google that were about to send me on what could be a life changing journey: e. g. o.

i don't think I moved from my chair for about 5 hours as I was suddenly plunged in to a whole world of ecigs and vaping, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

First thing on Saturday morning I headed to my nearest B&M store and left with an Ego Twist, 2 T3's, a couple of blank cartos and 4 flavours of e-juice.

I can't believe what can be quite an intimidating topic to make sense of also has such an amazing online community that can help. I've read hundreds of threads on places like ECF, UK vapours and Planet of the vapes and hours and hours of You Tube videos (Pbursado, what a legend!).

In less than 4 days I've gone from not even knowing this even existed to setting myself up with a bit of a starter kit and moved on to just having ordered my first mechanical mod!

Oh, and the most important bit...... I'm currently analogue free since 09:30 on 20th April 2013.
:welcome1: To the wonderful world of vaping! And more importantly, to the best planet EVER, where everyone is a friend and no question too small or silly!!! Well done on quitting the stinkies too :yahoo:
I've ordered a ccts for now but one day I'll treat myself to something like a proper gg or something from Amitzoo or Caravela. There really is some quite stunning pieces of equipment out there!
well done to you sir! My personal experience is broadly similar, and everyone I have introduced and set up with a device (family etc) are still vaping away merrily. I wish I had found this sooner too
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