One other tip, don't just buy flavours thinking "ooo that sounds nice" because you'll very likely not make a good mix. Browse some well rated recipes on and pick up the concentrates to make them.
I have about 150 flavours and still can't make the majority of recipes all round the internet.
Its much better to find a recipe you fancy, get the concentrates for that one, then find another recipe, get them etc. There are flavours thet you wouldn't dream of vaping but go into a recipe to compliment the flavours rather than being there for taste. Pear for example, or marshmallow.
Nice one, would not usually recommend a FB group as they are generally full of Trolls but Chefs is a good one and no Trolls around, they get booted pretty quick if somebody upsets another member, very helpful, loads of free chit and also a group discount code so well worth it, plus is run by Chefs themselves, always around if you have a question.