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how do i make my juice go further?

No stupid questions, we all start somewhere.

Your best bet is to mix by weight. If you read the link in my other post there's a step by step bit at the bottom of how to mix.

If you mix your nicotine first and add too much you can just pour it back into your nic bottle - that's why this is best to add first.

Too much flavour? Profile will change but may still be vapeable

Bit heavy handed on PG/VG? Not a problem, your ratio won't be exactly 70/30 or whatever you aimed for but you'll not notice a difference.
Thanks a lot for this mate.

I really want to do this - it looks exciting and will save cash - but I am useless at measuring. If I am reading this right that's not a major problem as long as you follow the order properly? The juice will still be vapeable?
Thanks a lot for this mate.

I really want to do this - it looks exciting and will save cash - but I am useless at measuring. If I am reading this right that's not a major problem as long as you follow the order properly? The juice will still be vapeable?

You measure by weight, as long as you take your time and can read numbers you will be fine. No need to mess about with syringes or beakers etc.

Stick your bottle on the scales. Add your shit. Shake. Job done.
Lol, right. I am going for it. Next pay day I will stick an order in for the kit and the 'shit' and go for it. I will send you a free bottle - shortfill natch - as a thanks. You can tell me how much i've missed the 70/30 mark by :2thumbsup:
@Horrand and @madh0us3 thank you both so much for the guidance and advice. It's bloody fantastic.

ETA: can I ask one stupid question though. How do you measure out the stuff. i.e. what happens if you add to much to the mix??

If you go to Chefs Flavours, join the FB group, very helpful but on the site you will find Syringes to purchase, measuring beakers, stuff like that, would suggest to start get a couple of 5ml, 10ml and at least one 60ml syringe. Go to your local cheap shop, poundland type thing and get a small pyrex measuring jug if you think it would be helpful. If you purchase 100ml or 60ml bottles from Chefs you can mix directly into the bottle.
Lol, right. I am going for it. Next pay day I will stick an order in for the kit and the 'shit' and go for it. I will send you a free bottle - shortfill natch - as a thanks. You can tell me how much i've missed the 70/30 mark by :2thumbsup:

I wouldn't have a clue how far off unless you went max PG and I had my throat raped :17:

One other tip, don't just buy flavours thinking "ooo that sounds nice" because you'll very likely not make a good mix. Browse some well rated recipes on alltheflavors.com and pick up the concentrates to make them.
@Horrand and @madh0us3 thank you both so much for the guidance and advice. It's bloody fantastic.

ETA: can I ask one stupid question though. How do you measure out the stuff. i.e. what happens if you add to much to the mix??
never a stupid question on here when it comes to vape.

after almost 4 years i dipped my toes into everything diy but most of the 60 i mixed are either tasteless or all taste the same even though ive bought 52 concentrates, scales, syringes, vg, pg etc.

post 6 on this thread can help a lot. scales cost me £7 on ebay and do the job and ive not touched any of the syringes or pipets i bought POTV Vendors & Recommended E Liquid Suppliers
If you go to Chefs Flavours, join the FB group, very helpful but on the site you will find Syringes to purchase, measuring beakers, stuff like that, would suggest to start get a couple of 5ml, 10ml and at least one 60ml syringe. Go to your local cheap shop, poundland type thing and get a small pyrex measuring jug if you think it would be helpful. If you purchase 100ml or 60ml bottles from Chefs you can mix directly into the bottle.

Joined. Thanks for that.
I also reuse all those little plastic bottles. Wash them well, dry naturally and re label them when I use them, but take care with the dropper bit as they go down the drain too easily. I also put veg glycerine etc into washed recycled larger sqeasy dropper bottles as it’s much easier to be accurate using weighing method.
There ia an easy calculator on this site in which you fill in details of the total amount, nic strength, flavour percentage and vg/pg ratio and hey presto, it gives you amounts to use by both weight in grams and mls.
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