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how do i make my juice go further?

@lene you say you like clouds, for clouds you need power, more power uses more juice, only 12 days ago you was on 12mg & know 6 & thats why your going through juice chain vaping, id go back to 12

and get something like this, https://www.jacvapour.com/s22-topfill-tank
I need to cut nicotine and get it cut quickly. need to get to 0 nicotine quick. me and hubby need to get to 0 quickly. because we want to have a 0 nicotine because we want to have a baby. but we don't plan on trying while we are both on nicotine. but yes I've ordered 3 nic. its just tough luck..that i'm cutting back too quick.
I’ve just switched mods - from the aspire nautilus to a Vaporesso Revenger x. The increase in juice i’m burning is significant.

So POTV experts. I’m vaping at 40W, using a 70/30vg juice and am vaping about once an hour with say 5 toots. I’m burning 5/6ml a day. Is this right?? :11:
So POTV experts. I’m vaping at 40W, using a 70/30vg juice and am vaping about once an hour with say 5 toots. I’m burning 5/6ml a day. Is this right?? :11:
When i started vaping, 300ml vaping MTL @ 24mg used to last me about 2.5 months.
Now i vape around 500ml per month @ 3mg.
Vape as much or as little as keeps you off the cigs. :2thumbsup:
I’ve just switched mods - from the aspire nautilus to a Vaporesso Revenger x. The increase in juice i’m burning is significant.

So POTV experts. I’m vaping at 40W, using a 70/30vg juice and am vaping about once an hour with say 5 toots. I’m burning 5/6ml a day. Is this right?? :11:

i get through 25-35ml a day on 3mg nic which ive been on for over 3 years.
i have got a vape in my hand as soon as i get home until i crash out so if your on low nicotine then just toot as much as you want or as little as you want as long as it keeps you off the cigs.
5-6ml a day sounds about right as the higher wattage will eat juice.
Make you own you won't care how long it lasts it will cost you next to nothing once you have set up with the bits you need. Chefs Flavours for all you need.
Mr DJ - vape in hand from home till crash out time.....

Found mine in the bed this morning
Mr DJ - vape in hand from home till crash out time.....

Found mine in the bed this morning
im bad but im not that bad lol.
24 mods and tanks 3 feet from my bed so ive not got that far to walk.
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