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how do i make my juice go further?

Can I just say I love this community??? Great answers and good to know I can always get brilliant answers (and funny ones). I shall continue burning liquid at the faster rate :57:
Make you own you won't care how long it lasts it will cost you next to nothing once you have set up with the bits you need. Chefs Flavours for all you need.

Yeah, I’m definitely looking at getting into this. It looks well difficult though? Need to watch a few more videos on this plus find out where to buy the ingedients safely and cheaply
Yeah, I’m definitely looking at getting into this. It looks well difficult though? Need to watch a few more videos on this plus find out where to buy the ingedients safely and cheaply

I wrote a DIY guide with price breakdowns etc if you're interested clicky here. It's really very simple and easy to mix your own.

I was thinking about cross posting to this forum and adding the extra links Reddit won't allow (and also removing the US stuff because that's not relevant here).
Yeah, I’m definitely looking at getting into this. It looks well difficult though? Need to watch a few more videos on this plus find out where to buy the ingedients safely and cheaply

It's pretty simple if you start off running with concentrate, check with the supplier but they are mostly 20% thats 20ml per 100ml, if you are adding Nicotine then buy PG Nic from someplace like Everything Liquid, use 72%, if you want an overall 3mg mix then add 4% of this, which again is 4ml per 100ml, you now have used 24ml out of 100ml, if you then want to make your overall mixture 70Vg/30Pg then you need to add 70% VG which again is 70ml, overall you now have 94ml, which leaves 6ml from your 100ml for your PG bottle, give it all a shake and leave to steep. That's about the easy way to make 100ml of eLiquid.

Obviously, if you have a different concentrate percentage, let's say 24% or 18% recommended you need to adjust everything. Hope this helps.

Remember all your concentrates are PG unless otherwise stated but the bulk of them will be PG.

If you are making 100ml 3mg then you need to add 4ml Nictotine
If you are making 70/30 VG/PG then you need to add 70ml VG, just fill in the gap (26ml) with your concentrate percentage and top it up to 100ml with PG.
@Horrand and @madh0us3 thank you both so much for the guidance and advice. It's bloody fantastic.

ETA: can I ask one stupid question though. How do you measure out the stuff. i.e. what happens if you add to much to the mix??
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