Take a bunch of different mixes and a blind tasting panel and you might prove something, as it stands we have the subjective opinion of one guy about one flavour mix. No more valid than anybody elses subjective opinions.
I suspect that different flavour mixes might react differenty to different treatments and different people might have different preferences when it comes to the results.
What is it you're wanting to prove?
This is the best example I've seen so far of a relatively controlled test about steeping, same juice, same tanks, same mod, the only difference is the treatment of the liquid. You can see the different methods have different effects on the juice and it certainly echoes my experiences when it comes to the taste.
I wonder about people who think steeping is a myth and can't taste any difference.
My advice would be to do your own experimentation under similar conditions, get someone to do a blind test for you so you can sample the results without knowing what you're tasting and see what
you think, after all when it comes to you and your juice all that matters is your own opinion.
When you do, let us know the results! Until then, there's this.
Regarding the scientific processes and chemical difference between steeped and fresh juice well, we won't know that until someone commissions a lab to do some testing which may never happen.
As I always say, if someone can't taste the difference or see the benefit in steeping then great, you've saved yourself some time.