What is it you're wanting to prove?
This is the best example I've seen so far of a relatively controlled test about steeping, same juice, same tanks, same mod, the only difference is the treatment of the liquid. You can see the different methods have different effects on the juice and it certainly echoes my experiences when it comes to the taste.
I wonder about people who think steeping is a myth and can't taste any difference.
My advice would be to do your own experimentation under similar conditions, get someone to do a blind test for you so you can sample the results without knowing what you're tasting and see what you think, after all when it comes to you and your juice all that matters is your own opinion.
When you do, let us know the results! Until then, there's this.
Regarding the scientific processes and chemical difference between steeped and fresh juice well, we won't know that until someone commissions a lab to do some testing which may never happen.
As I always say, if someone can't taste the difference or see the benefit in steeping then great, you've saved yourself some time.
I do not doubt that doing stuff to a juice can change the flavour.
I do know from threads on here that some like their custard fresh and others after months.
So doing something that makes it better in your opinion may make it worse for someone else.
People should try whatever they like to see what they prefer.
Few people do any experimenting and too many people just want to be told what is best.
I know from testing juices with a bunch of apes earlier in the year how different people taste different things in the same juice
You say that vid is the best experiment you have seen. I refer to my previous post and add that he says things like
this one tastes better because it has been breathed and steeped properly which is the sort of bias you do not want in an experiment, if you expect a certain result from something as subjective as taste you are more likely to find it.He mentions you have to be careful using heat because it degrades nicotine but not that air contact also degrades nicotine because he believes in breathing.
I am happy with the results I get with my method so do not feel the urge to experiment further perhaps if I mix something horrible I may try some other methods.
I believe that individual personality has a lot to do with whether people go for simple or complex steeping procedures and that you/me/anybody should not be too dogmatic about what works and what does not.
My belief is taste is subjective and ther is a wide range of different chemicals combined in different ways in flavours, so it is likely no method is right for every person and every flavour.
It is good for mixers to know there are a range of opinions on steeping.
Voodoo works if you believe in it, my voodoo works for me because I can construct a scientific rational. I want the components to mix but to limit oxidation as to me oxidation is synonymous with degradation others actively want to encourage oxidation so they want to froth and breath their juices and I am shake and leave. Heat will thin liquid so help mixing but speed oxidation so for me I prefer to wait.Others can construct a different scientific rational for a different method but till the science is done it is all voodoo to me.