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How long do you Vape for on one sitting?


Nov 13, 2013
Evening everybody. Only been vaping 9 days now with the ecigalikes. Now today I started vaping on my new Ego mega dual coil cartomiser for the first time. Absolutely MASSIVE clouds of smoke and I didn't want to be inhaling too much vaper. So How Long do you vape for each time? At one vaping session? Can you vape too much, is this possible? Just wanted to ask as my tobacco cigarettes used to last for about 10-15 minutes each smoke, but I wouldn't know how to compare the two while vaping on this thing. MASSIVE clouds of smoke which I'm not used to and was wondering how I could avoid overdoing it? Thanks in advance. Cheers.
Since you are new to using them...you have to think about how you are inhaling....

direct lungfuls like with smoking or take a drag into your mouth then inhale?

I use the mouth drags and do not direct inhale.

I vape until I dont feel like it any more. Either out of boredom, time constraint, or just because I feel like I don't need it.

Think about how long it took you to finish a real cig ...8 -10 minutes and if you are using 24mg nicotine, then about the same amount of time should be enough.

Eventually you will get to the point that you just pick it up and put it down without thinking about it.

What e-liquid are you using and at what MG?

PS You arent seeing smoke when using the ecig ;) Its vapour :P
Hi KurlMeStoopid, I am smoking a gingerbread flavour ejuice from SmokShop. It is 24mg nicotine and I think 70/30 PG/VG. I use the mouth drags not direct inhaling. Problem I don't know how long to vape for, as you say vape until you've had enough. Don't always know when you're new at it. The nicotine in the vape takes a few minutes to absorb into body? Cigs only take seconds.
Hi KurlMeStoopid, I am smoking a gingerbread flavour ejuice from SmokShop. It is 24mg nicotine and I think 70/30 PG/VG. I use the mouth drags not direct inhaling. Problem I don't know how long to vape for, as you say vape until you've had enough. Don't always know when you're new at it. The nicotine in the vape takes a few minutes to absorb into body? Cigs only take seconds.

It is believed that we absorb nicotine from vaping at a more efficient and lesser rate than smoking (I read that in one of the studies, just dont ask me to quote which oen :P)...Remember 4,000 chemicals that can kill you, reduced to as little as 3-4 safe for consumption chemicals ;)

As a smoker I am sure you know what a nicotine overdose feels like right? Vape until you dont want to, or until you get a nic headache. If you want to get really technical, wait a few mins, and keep an eye on the clock, note how many vapes you take (possibly how long each drag is as well) and proceed until one of those two things happens...it will give you an idea for "how long" your body can handle it.

I never really calculated and just vaped until I didnt want to anymore. If I felt edgy like I was having withdrawals I just picked up my ecig again and vaped some more.

If you feel like you are chain vaping, you might need a 36mg e-liquid until you get used to vaping, to give you that oomph you are used to from regular cigs.
Evening everybody. Only been vaping 9 days now with the ecigalikes. Now today I started vaping on my new Ego mega dual coil cartomiser for the first time. Absolutely MASSIVE clouds of smoke and I didn't want to be inhaling too much vaper. So How Long do you vape for each time? At one vaping session? Can you vape too much, is this possible? Just wanted to ask as my tobacco cigarettes used to last for about 10-15 minutes each smoke, but I wouldn't know how to compare the two while vaping on this thing. MASSIVE clouds of smoke which I'm not used to and was wondering how I could avoid overdoing it? Thanks in advance. Cheers.

A session? What's that? I don't stop. Since 11am this morning (when I woke up, it's my day off) until now I haven't gone more than 30 seconds without having a puff. Usually it's non-stop, I do burn through a lot of juice though. Technically I should probably use a higher nic content and slow it down to save money but I just enjoy vaping. I use my dripper and mech mod at home for big clouds and flavour and no inconvenience, out and about I use my ONLY E-liquids cigalike (Yes, I still use a cigalike) or my kangertech protank 2 mini on a joytech ego battery.

Answer: as much as you want. There is no health concerns behind vaping so vape as much as you want, just costs a little more. Also if you have just started, you may got a cough or sore throat, nothing to worry about, just lower the amount you vape a little. It's just because water vapour draws liquid off of your throat, you get used to it though.
I find it hard in the mornings to get my first vape going...I usually start with a couple of puffs on a spinner with a clearo filled with Mrs lords Seville marmalade till my tastebuds "Warm up" then go back to my "Hey You" and Snake oil....I find those first few puffs really slow to get my morning nic fix, but once i've started i'm off and running.....But I suppose we're all different.....I never seem to go any great length of time between vaping..:)
When I first started, I got a little woolly-headed at times and knew I'd overdone it a little, left it alone for a while til I felt like vaping again. I don't get that anymore, no matter how much I seem to vape.

Left to my own devices (i.e. not restricted like I am at work), I'll vape a bit, forget about it for a while, pick it up again when the mood takes me. Mind you, I still smoke a little, and to be honest, pretty regular vaping throughout the day is better for keeping the cravings under control (if I break too long, the cravings build to a point that I'm much more likely to have a real cig).

I started on 18mg and dropped to 16mg quite early on - not had any urgency to drop it further, but I imagine I will do eventually.

Re: the "direct inhale" vs drawing into the mouth - I see this often - I've never smoked a cigarette by drawing directly into the lungs, and never been aware of any smoker who did
I just get every one telling me that they never see me with out my vamo in my hand. Its a running joke at work till it rains and i then start to vape inside. Then the jokes not on me :)
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