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How many batteries do you have?

29 x 18650
4 x 26650
4 x 18350

Sounds a lot but usually a third in use, a third charging and a third charged.
18350 (10)
Pair each of Efest Purple/Red & 10A Vapcell Ampsplus/Keeppower for my Pulse BF in series. Vapcells seems to be best of the bunch

14500 (4)
Couple each red & blue from Torchy for my old nemesis mini :)

18650 (16)
3 pairs of HB6’s just for the NC
2 HG2’s & 4 30Q’s for the Rage/IPV6X

One each of VTC4/5/5A 25R for my tube mechs

20700 (6)
2 each of Sanyo A/B & Gold Vapcells for the Pulse mods

Jesus!!!!! 36!!! Didn’t realise I had this many until now!!

I have to just say lol chuck Norris I've been watching re-runs of walker texas ranger. lol
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