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How many puffs equal 1 cigarette?

I was a 60 a day Roll-Up smoker and i Started on 18mg and at first i vaped probably 6-8 ml a day. I then heard about salts and at first i vaped probably 10 to 12 ml a day, i then stopped the Salts and Vaped 12 mg which i am still at, probably with my through the night vaping i am still probably at 10 to 12ml a day, i tend to vape more when i wake up during the night, plus i vape MTL during the night but don't seem to enjoy MTL during the day. I know i'm weird lol.
I can remember that Hangsen used to advertise that 200 puffs was the same as 1 cigarette back in the day. How this was worked out I don't know and never believed this to be accurate anyway.
When i started Vaping this time round i thought the taste of e-liquid wasn't all that good but as soon as my taste came back it was stunning. I wonder how many first time Vapers have thought the same and for that reason gone back to smoking. I think now that it's the nice flavours that keep us vaping. Do i miss Ciggies, in all honesty i think sometimes i do but could never go back to it. Smoking used to help with my stress levels and sometimes vaping doesn't hit the spot.
For what it's worth, I was obsessed with vaping "the right amount" when I switched from straights, but I don't think it's comparable and it very quickly stops being something you care about.

It's great you're already on 6mg. As others have said most start at 18 or 12, and with those it's quite easy to vape so much you feel a bit loopy the next morning! It's quite hard to get too high with 6mg. (Well, it is on 1Ohm, much easier on low Ohm.)
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