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How many vapes do you have?

MOTI Official

Oct 29, 2019
Too many yet at the same time not enough [emoji6]

Hi my name is Matty and I'm a addict [emoji23]
Think we need a new button! Like,lol,thank and now WTF!
This is after a fair few years of collecting, my last regulated mod I bought was actually probably over a year ago, a Vandy vape squonker. Some mods were sent to me for free to review, I think about maybe 6-8 of them?

I just like collecting things, I know it is a bit strange but everyone has their quirks, but a WTF button made me laugh :)
I’m just starting out and thanks to @mattyk2010 I'm starting on rebuildables and squonking so I’m sure I’ll begin building a collection of new and old bits to try.
2 logic pods , 1 voopoo pod, 3 mods, 2 rda , 3 rta and a subohm. still small
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