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How much is too much


Jan 25, 2014
Been vaping regularly for 48 hours after quitting, (again). All is well but just wondering what is the norm for reaching for the tube. I am on 24mg of nic at around 5-6 watts, enough for me at the moment, ( 20 years on Marlboro Reds) and just wondering what would be the 'norm' for taking a vape. I am tending to be on it quite a lot, ie every hour, or thereabouts, 3 to 4 drags.
i enjoy vaping, but wonder, as a noobie, what other fellow vapers are hitting as it were, and is there a limit?
........I suppose my body might tell me in time.
yep....your body will tell you.....

at home my mod is more or less in my hand the whole time
I'm on mine most of the day. I tend to put mine down for 10 minutes every hour lol. :)
3 or 4 drags an hour does not seem a lot to me. I know when I've over done it when I get a headache
Yep, you just kind of know.
If you go too far the worst you'll get is a bit of a Nic headache.

I have heavy vaping days and some days I barely get through 1ml.
If you start to get "the cravings" for a cig, just vape till it passes, that usually works for me.
when your body tells you enough is enough, either through a nic headache, nausea, or just cause youre bored with it :)
Ok, interesting. I suppose I am still in that limbo that is denial, non smoker, sort of smoker, vaper. I feel fine and have no inclination towards cigs, maybe it's the novelty, but I just enjoy a Chardonnay and a vape. Too early to make any definitive claims but I am loving vaping.
my mod is mostly always in my hand unless I'm at work in which case I spend way to much time in the loos having a crafty toot *classy I know*
I always advise noobs to vape pretty much non-stop until the connection with tobacco is broken.

After that you can ease off the gas and you will find your own level.

Get off the fags first, worry about vaping amounts later.

With alcohol this is doubly true.
I've always got some piece of vaping kit in my hand, all day, I only put it down when I'm in my bed, and then I feeking dream about it.
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